Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Old Trafford

Old Trafford, given the nickname the Theatre of Dreams by Bobby Charlton, is an all-seater stadium in the Trafford borough of Greather Manchester, England, and the home of Manchester United F.C. The ground has been the club's permanent residence since 1910, with the exception of an eight-year absence from 1941 to 1949 following the bombing of the stadium in the Second World War. During this period, the club shared Maine Road with local rivals, Manchester City. The stadium is located approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 km) from Old Trafford Cricket Ground and the adjacent Manchester Metrolink tram station.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Otpusten ili dobrovolno napusti

Na den 24.04.2008 godina so trganje na nastavkata gigant emilijano oficijalno ja napusti grupacijata na gigantite.Ova e prv vakov slucaj vo istorijata na federacijata.Dali gigantite go najdoa raskolnikot vo nivnite redovi ili ova e samo dobrovolno napustanje na federacijata.Seuste nemame oficijalna izjava od pretsedatelot Sonceto-gigant.Vo javnosta se zarzaboteni vejke dvete opcii.Se spekulira deka poverojatna e prvata , odnosno deka emilijano pod prisila na centralniok komitet na gigantite e isfrlen od grupacijata poradi postojanite prepukuvanja so delboy-gigant i nekoi ostanati useri so sto go navlece celiot gnev na komunata na sebe.Vtorata opcija pomalku verojatna i poneinteresna za narodot e deka samostojno go napustil taborot.Sega vo prasanje se doveduva negoviot opstanok vo prvata liga.Dali bez pomosta na brakjata giganti e kompetenten da go izbori opstanokot?Seuste cekame na isjavata na pretsedatelot na federacijata i stom dade izjava , vednas ke ja objavime na blogot.Samo edno e sigurno , od emilijano-gigant ostana samo emilijano.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

San Siro

Take a look from home of the two gigants in world football FC INTERNZAIONALE and AC Milan.The Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, more commonly called the San Siro, is a football stadium in Milan, Italy. It is the home stadium for two of the three most successful Italian Football League clubs: A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale, and one of the most famous football stadiums in the world. Although it has been officially renamed in honour of Giuseppe Meazza, the Inter and Milan player of the 1930s and 1940s, it is still commonly called the San Siro. With the spectators being so close to the pitch, the stands being so steep and with a large roof, it is considered to have one of the best atmospheres of any stadium in the world.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Alarmantna sostojba

Poradi teskite macenja i dopolnitelnite nervozi na nacionalnata konferencija za propastot na u20 timot od strana na darkjesus i dimeta , nasiot selektor sulc oslabe 4kg.Licniot gotvac vkusen-gemidzii veli deka totalno izgubil apetit i hranata sto mu ja podgotvuva samo se frla.Vo poseta mu dojde D-r Realht koj mu preporaca vitamin C i mnogu ovosje.Isto taka go poseti i bliskiot prijatel spiderweb nosejki mu banani i mnogu krstozbori.Se nadevame deka ke zakrepne i vakvi kfalifikacii uste ednas nikogas da ne ni se povtorat.Sepak ja nemase pacerskata srekja na predhodniot selektor.Odsega samo pacer za selektor !!! ... ili pak mozit jas :)))

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kandidatura na Naum Tashovski-Sulc

Izgleda deka ne mu bese dovolna selektorskata funkcija i sega nasiot resencanec sulc vojvoda ke izleze kako kandidat za p*atenik na slednite iz**ri.Par*ijata zasega neka ostane vo tajnost.Sulc ni go otkriva negovoto moto "nema labavo".Negovata seriznost ne poznava granici , pa se ocekuva televiziski nastap po veligdenskite praznici.Najverojatno ke izleze kako kandidat vo pettata i*borna edinica , a ne e iskluceno da se pojavi i vo prvata.Eli vejke mu gi pegla kostumite i samiot sulc ni poracuve deka tokmu lugje kako nego se potrebni.Dodava deka e covek od narodot.Na site koi ne go sfakjaat seriozno im veli da socekaat pa ke vidat , odnosno vremeto ke pokaze.Ovaj post ne e nikakva sala , toa moze da go potvrdi samiot kandidat.Nas ni preostanuva da mu posakame srekja i ako uspee vo toa , da ne gi zaboravi drugarite od hetrik i nikako da ja batali u20 selekcijata koja ja predvodi.Srekjno Sulc!!!

Allianz Arena

Allianz Arena
The Allianz Arena is a football (soccer) stadium in the north of Munich. It is known as "FIFA World Cup Stadium Munich" during the 2006 World Cup.

The capacity of the stadium has increased from 66,000 to 69,901 spectators (including standing room).


Stadium: 258m x 227m x 50m
Playing level: 120m x 83m
Gross grass area: 111m x 72m
Playing field: 105m x 68m
Parking garage: 270,000m2

Camp Nou Stadium (transformation)

When Barcelona’s iconic Camp Nou stadium celebrated its 50 year anniversary earlier this year exciting new plans were launched for the ‘remodeling’ of the stadium in order to turn it into an eye-catching sight and fully integrated monument in the architectural heritage of the city. The British architect Norman Foster has proudly been named as the brains behind the estimated 250 million euro project, with worldwide projects such as Wembley Stadium to his name, the project is considered a reciprocal honour for both architect and the city. As you can see, the outer shell of the stadium will be mosaic-like in appearance (…not dissimilar to the Torre Agbar?) and will create an impressive visual impact, especially by night. The top tiers of the stadium will be henceforth accessible by escalators, providing views over the surrounding area. As for seating arrangements, although seating numbers will not be greatly increased, it is planned that at least 50% of seats will be undercover.

Maracana Stadium and crazy soccer fans

Maracana Stadium

Maracana Stadium is the religious center for Brazilian Soccer!

Crazy Soccer Fans
Brazilians take soccer much more seriously than even the most devote Canadian hockey fans! We normally cheer during the goals at NHL hockey games, these fans cheer throughout the entire game.

Funny soccer

Kup-kolo 9

Asprey vs Sv.Naum - 2 (Sasa e daleku pojak ama domasen teren + mots i sve e mozno)
ludost vs Pelister Bair -2 (Bair vo 1/4 finale dobivat interes za kupot i nikoj ne go zapirat posle)
Ronhill TRD vs PMF United -2 (so otkaza ronhill od kupot ama pak e vo 1/4 finale , najlesniot protivnik mu se panda na pacerot , cista dvojka)
FK Shalabajzeri vs Ohrid -1x2(emil motsna ama igrat doma ,taka da sve pomalku od mots so yul sabota ovde go nosit vo polufinale , arno ama dark ako pobudalit mojt da osvojt i kup)

1/2 dvojki:

FK Shalabajzeri vs Sv.Naum
PMF United vs Pelister Bair

Najverojatno pak ke sme svedoci na dosadnoto finale koe se povtoruva sekoja godina Sasa vs Baircanec

Kup-kolo 8

Dosadno kolo , gore dolu ocekuvanite rezultati osven martin koj iako zemase igraci za trening pak izgubi:)

prva kerka vs Sv.Naum 1-5 (ocekuvana pobeda na sasa , mots vo predhodno kolo na prva kerka protiv delboy)
Asprey vs Zdravkin 3-1 (srekjata go napusti ovaja sezona)
Stonebridge vs Pelister Bair 0-8 (se otkaza uste pred mecot i bair si go zede so pic)
AC Family vs PMF United 3-4 (pacerski se izvlece)
Dinamo Zdravo vs Ohrid 0-9 ( 3 sostav najverojatno za dinamo)
FC Denisjuve vs Shalabajzeri 1-4 (emil se uplasi od derbi i misljam deka motsna)
Ludost vs Mlecen 8-2 (martin bez odbrana ili pobedvit ili go tolcet)
Ronhill TDR vs Rabotnicki Kometal (najmizernata utakmica , posrekjniot pobedi)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nasi faci

Slika1:Najnov prekar na sopstvenikot na Mlecen ... ovaj de Cveten , Martin Laleto
Slika2:Baba Zumbula is back - yulbriner pacer
Slika3:X*3Y*sinus alfa*3p radijani -realht
Slika5:Selektorot posle rucekot (ogledaloto e opticka varka)-sulc
Slika6:Pri vrsenje na fotosinteza-ZokiST

Д-р Реалхт

После длабока анализа од страна на Д-р Реалхт , специјалист по гастрохирургија увидел дека ручекот кој е високо калоричен му штети на организмот на селекторот поради малата застапеност на протеините и големата застапеност на липидите.Предупредува на здрава исхрана поради покачениот холестерот , "селекторе зелени салати" кратко прокоментира.Приота неговиот генијален ум заклучи дека селекторот освен оваа храна која очигледно штети на неговиот организам нема воопшто никаков друг ќар од овластената положба во нашата комуна.

Padovi i izdignuvanja (mal osvrt na polusezona)

Poleka zavrsi prvata polovina na sezonata , pa da se navratime malce na prvite 7 kola vo najakite 2 divizii.Kako timovi so najgolem podem bi gi izdvoil Real Macedonia i Sun Sity koi vednas pri promoviranjeto vo 2ra liga se seriozni kandidati za titula.Go delat prvoto mesto vo 2.1 ligata so po 11 boda , sega zasega sosema dovolno za opstanok.Prespa Gigant imase bleskav start na sezonata , dve visoki pobedi vo gosti kaj barselona 1-5 i doma 4-0 protiv ronhill.Sleduvaa 4 meca bez pobeda , no remi so solidniot sun sity i silniot fk tetovo.Vo 7to kolo ostvari vazna pobeda od 4-2 protiv vecniot clen na ovaa liga , ni malku slabiot rabotnicki.So skor 3 pobedi 2 remi ishodi i 2 porazi ako prodolzi vaka prespa gigant , mu prestoi svetla idnina vo hetrikot.Drugiot covek koj potvrduva deka e od menadzerskiot krem vo Makedonija e covece22-vojvoda.Imase tezok start , 2 porazi od denisjuve i ludost , no i visoka pobeda protiv fk tetovo.No sleduvaa se podobri i podobri igri.Prestoea 2 remi ishodi protiv prespa i rabotnicki i za na kraj da najavi furiozen vtor del na sezona so dve pobedi protiv barselona i ronhill.Zasluzeno go delat vtoroto mesto so po 11 boda.Sea padovite.Ubedlivo najgolem pad ima Ribari , no sigurno ne poradi menadzerski slabosti tuku poradi nekoja cudna strategija na univerzum za prestojnite sezoni.Se zboruva deka negovoto saldo iznesuva preku 300 milioni , pari dovolni za dvojna kruna.Od druga strana potfrli komitot.Do pred ovaja sezona se macese da vlezit vo prva liga i sea na kraj ko ke se omacese za malce , se bori za opstanok.Dali e nekoe razocaruvanje ili pak strategija?Za niv dvajca ke pokaze krajot na sezonata.

Selektorski rucek

Во разговор со личниот готвач на нашиот селектор Шулц (пропорции 60-180-100), Вкусен-гемиџии самиот ни откри што му подготвил на шефот за денеска

Марсовски палачинки - предјадење

За подготовка на ова предјадење за 4 лица или само за Шулц потребни ви се следниве производи:

- 250 гр мешано мелено месо
- 200 гр телешка шницла
- 600 гр конзервирани домати
- 1 лута свежа зелена пиперка
- 2 свежи зелени пиперки
- 1 главица кромид
- 2 моркова
- 300 гр конзервирана пченка
- 2 говедски коцки за супа
- 2 чешниња лук
- половина кафена лажица чили
- масло за јадење
- сол и црн пипер

Потребно време за подготовка на ова предјадење е 2 часа.

Свинско рагу со банани - главно јадење

За подготовка на ова јадење за 4 лица или само за Шулц потребни ви се следниве производи:

- 500 гр свинска кртина од плешка
- 3 банани
- 4 домати
- 2 главици кромид

- масло за јадење

- сол и црн пипер

Потребно време за подготовка на ова јадење е 90 - тина минути.

Шведски колач со лешници (препорачано од делбој) - десерт

За подготовка на овој десерт потребни ви се следниве производи:

- 200 гр лешници
- 4 јајца
- 250 гр путер
- 280 гр шеќер
- 150 гр брашно
- 4 кафени лажици прашок за печиво
- 160 гр шеќер
- 200 мл млеко
- 1 ванилин шеќер

Потребно време за подготовка на овој десерт е 50 - тина минути.

Е и после селекторов ваков таков , па шо е работава само некој егзотични јадења му праеле , не е тој крив , храната е.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Јавна поддршка до нашиот другар Вељо за сите активности и заложби за организирање на митинзи за зачувување на Македонскиот индентитет.Поддржка да му изразиме сите со по 1 потпис во "comments" сите ние кои ги поздравуваме неговите заложби.Иначе ко излезе на А1 се искинав од смеење , целиот сериозен ко оние дипломатине странски беше.За тие со го пропуштија Вељо наш , гледајте го на вестите во 23:00.Македонија засекогаш!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Team Spirit

Midfield ratings are affected by several factors. One of these factors is team spirit. The higher the team spirit, the better the midfield performs. And conversely, if team spirit is low, midfield ratings will lower. A successful Hattrick manager will regulate his/her team spirit to get the best results for the team, as midfield is a very important factor in many matches.

In real life football the atmosphere around a team is of great influence on its performance. If there is bad management or an incompetent coach this will have a negative effect on the way players feel and act on the pitch. In Hattrick this effect is represented by the Team Spirit.

The Team Spirit has a direct effect on the strength of a team's midfield . The actual midfield strength based on players abilities is increased or decreased according to the Team Spirit. The midfield strength of both teams determines the distribution of chances, so a high Team Spirit will boost your midfield and deliver you more regular chances.

At the start of each season, the Team Spirit is reset to a default level (composed). From there the actions of your club (transfers and playing,PIC, Normal or MOTS influence the rise and fall of the Team Spirit. Whatever you do Team Spirit is always trying to change back to composed. The leadership in matches) and your coachfactor of your coach MOTS determines how fast it will change in that direction. A coach with high leadership will speed up the rate Team Spirit rises when below composed and slow down decrease in Team Spirit when above composed. The agreeability of the team leader also has an influence on the team spirit — team leaders with popular or nasty agreeability have the highest possible influence. This influence is however very small compared to the influence of leadership of the coach (in fact, some dispute whether it exists at all).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Do you recognize someone?

Hooliganism in European Football

Violence in football has existed long before the sport became organized. The earliest manifestations of this were sporadic bursts usually targeted towards referees and authority. Since the 1960, there has been intensive growth in organized hooliganism amongst British supporters. This trend gradually spread across many European nations especially Italy, Holland and Germany. By the early to mid-1970s, the major European teams had extremist supporters producing intense and persistent club rivalries. Club teams experience more zealous support due to their localized disposition. Fans believe that regional clubs "represent" them more intimately: they may feature indigenous youth products and their matches are usually more accessible and frequent compared to national sides. On the international stage, feuds are usually brief and fueled by concurrent political issues. The more prevalent of these include England vs. Argentina (culminating at Mexico 1986) Brazil vs. Argentina, Scotland vs. England and Mexico vs. Honduras.

During the mid-1980s, Italian Ultras (ultra fans) pioneered what is considered to be fanatical or hooligan support. Their organized theatrical (often illegal) methods involve chanting, displaying colossal banners, breaking seats, fireworks, smoke bombs and even releasing small explosives all done at pivotal points of a match. Ultras transform matches into spectacles but at times their behavior advances to downright violence. Nearly all significant clubs have had their tour bus damaged and some form of violence brakes out at about 10% of all European club matches. In the more developed nations, strict security measures have impelled hooliganism outside of the stadium.
Hooligan groups are driven by various motives. Some express neo-nazi and racist inclinations but that is frequently done to shock the enemy team and to produce a more hostile environment.

Player's development

There are many factors that can influence the players, such as their age, peer pressure, family, parents, friends, school and how much they enjoy playing and training.
To be able to effectively coach young players, coaches need to understand the different characteristics that players display, why they act the way they do, how players develop, physically and mentally and how we need to adjust our own attitudes to these developing young players.

The Players development area of the site covers the following areas:

Young player's characteristics and attitudes:

  • Characteristics of players under eight
  • Characteristics of players under ten
  • Characteristics of players under twelve

Young players learn in many different ways, we examine how players learn:

  • Different types of learning
  • How the game can be the biggest teacher
  • Other children, friends
  • Parents
  • Ways in which coaches can develop different types of learning

Players develop physically and mentally at very different rates. Over use injuries are a real danger with young players:

  • We examine the signs and symptoms of over use injuries
  • We look at the causes and how they can be avoided

Players are the most important people in the sport. One of the most effective ways in which players can ensure that they display fair play and respect to all is to develop their own Code of conduct.

  • We outline the best way of getting the players to design their own code of conduct
  • What areas should be included
  • How to implement the code of conduct for players

A fit player will not necessarily be the best player, but being fit it will make a better player:

  • We provide key information on age relevant warm ups and cool downs
  • We examine and provide information, drills and graphics on the requirements age relevant strength, stamina, speed, power, agility and flexibility
  • We look at the different fundamentals required in a balanced diet and the role of fluids and eating habits on the fitness of players

Funniest football pictures

Monday, April 7, 2008

Some elements of football

Take some pieces from cake called football from pictuers down:

Long Ball

Zonal Marking

Man on Man Defence

Counter Atacking


Namalena poseta

Vo poslednite nekolku kola drasticno padna posetenosta na stadionite sirum hattrick , pa treba da se prevzemat merki.Nekoj od menadzerite go zasilija napadot so cel da ja podobrat gol razlikata i taka da privlecat gledaci , nekoj izgradija pogolem broj pokrieni sedista.Imame slucai kade na stadionite se delit besplatno semki , kafe , pivo i slicno.Jas im go najdov lekot , drasticnite promeni baret drasticni reakcii.Pa vaka , go kladov cel tim na transfer lista , gi prodadov site i celosno go smenav igrackiot kadar.Od naredniot mec Dzole's Dream Team ke izgleda kako na slikata podolu.A tek so sum zel edna pomosnicka menadzerica huh , duri i fizioterapevtkata ja smenav.E aj da te vidam ne dojdi na utakmica da go gledas ovaj tim.

Best tactics

See best tactics for your best team , pick the best or pick the most confusiones and let to him to win himself :) , careffuly read the best tactics :)

Gigantski raskol III

Epizoda 11: Eto , pak tukna tikvata.Del sakase da mu ja zemit sampionskata titula na Sasa ,a ovaj mu zapea "Ljubomora , ljubomora to je osobina tvoja najgora".Del mu replicirase poubo cuti si dan ispadnit posle "Sada pao sam na dno" , pritoa mu stresoja pashavicite.Dime pak opsednat so sampionskata tutula vo mislite mu se motase "Kad bi moja bila" i zamina na skautiranje vo Brazil i Argentina za da se pojacat za narednata sezona.Vo megjuvreme na bis od strana na Martin bese povikan sulc ,ama zaripnal od nogu ladno pivo i ne dojde.Potoa so seta nadez odnenadez od nekade vikna emil "Polomicu case od kristala" a Yull go prasa "Zasto cura sedi sama?".I konecno DJ Zozon ja pusti "Kad porasnem bicu gejmmaster" i vejke go snema turbofolkot koj na site im go bese zel umot.Site si dojdoja na mesto.Zato edna poraka do makedonskata mladina : Ne slusajte nogu turbofolk , stanvite skloni kon nasilstvo , da ne recam devijacija.Sea slusajte ja "kad porasnem bicu gejmmaster" i sejte mirni dan go viknam obezbeduvanjeno(pufce).DJ Zozon in live!!!