Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Team Spirit

Midfield ratings are affected by several factors. One of these factors is team spirit. The higher the team spirit, the better the midfield performs. And conversely, if team spirit is low, midfield ratings will lower. A successful Hattrick manager will regulate his/her team spirit to get the best results for the team, as midfield is a very important factor in many matches.

In real life football the atmosphere around a team is of great influence on its performance. If there is bad management or an incompetent coach this will have a negative effect on the way players feel and act on the pitch. In Hattrick this effect is represented by the Team Spirit.

The Team Spirit has a direct effect on the strength of a team's midfield . The actual midfield strength based on players abilities is increased or decreased according to the Team Spirit. The midfield strength of both teams determines the distribution of chances, so a high Team Spirit will boost your midfield and deliver you more regular chances.

At the start of each season, the Team Spirit is reset to a default level (composed). From there the actions of your club (transfers and playing,PIC, Normal or MOTS influence the rise and fall of the Team Spirit. Whatever you do Team Spirit is always trying to change back to composed. The leadership in matches) and your coachfactor of your coach MOTS determines how fast it will change in that direction. A coach with high leadership will speed up the rate Team Spirit rises when below composed and slow down decrease in Team Spirit when above composed. The agreeability of the team leader also has an influence on the team spirit — team leaders with popular or nasty agreeability have the highest possible influence. This influence is however very small compared to the influence of leadership of the coach (in fact, some dispute whether it exists at all).

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